My Secret Caricature Drawings From Medium Day

Even video meetings can help grow your art skills.

Khalid Birdsong
3 min readAug 28, 2023
All caricatures illustrated by the author.

I have a secret. I enjoy drawing people when they can’t see me.

Drawing people in public is tricky, and you must be brave, but sketching people talking on a video call is fantastic when you’re an artistic coward like me.

I’ve been writing articles on Medium, for over two years now, and I wanted to keep up with what’s going on with the platform.

They held Medium Day on Saturday, August 13th, with successful writers presenting on topics about improving and getting better at posting on the site. All the workshops were live on video, and you could attend any that interested you.

So, I decided to listen while caricaturing simultaneously. There’s no way they would have known (right?), and I completely enjoyed my super secret “live” face drawing practice that day.

Karl and Tanuki comic illustrated by the author.

I loved watching classes and sketching the presenters talking about writing humor, using your comics with your articles, and hearing about updates on how Medium determines how much money your articles make when people read them.



Khalid Birdsong
Khalid Birdsong

Written by Khalid Birdsong

Visual artist, teacher, and world traveler. Writing articles to make you smile. Join my newsletter-

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